My favorite class at Bradley so far has been my communication theories class.
– Kamia
Year in School: Senior
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Academic Major and Minor(s)
Major: Organizational Communications
Minor: Social Media Marketing

How did you decide to major in your academic program? (Can you share a little bit about how you selected Org Com through the AEP track and what Org Com is?)
I went through the AEP program to figure out which major was the best for me. When I enrolled into the AEP program, I was assigned an advisor that was going to help me through the process of choosing my major. My advisor made it a point to really get to know me as a person and what I liked to do, and what I wanted to do after I graduated from Bradley. I took different surveys that described my personality and different fields that I could be interested in.
What has been your favorite class at Bradley?
My favorite class at Bradley so far has been my communication theories class. It was cool to see the different way in which people communicate.
Share an experiential learning opportunity you have had inside or outside of the classroom.
During my PR Writing class, I had the opportunity to work on the COM Dept social media accounts. This gave me the opportunity to have hands-on experience with something that I want to do as a career.
Who at Bradley has been instrumental to your college experience and why?
Susan Rapp has been instrumental to my college experience because she really has helped me come to the decision what my major and minor were going to be.
What are your future goals and how is Bradley preparing you to reach them?
My dream career would be to be a social media manager for a professional sports team, with my social media marketing minor I’m learning how to efficiently market products through social media.
Why is Bradley an exceptional place to study your academic major?
Bradley University is a great place to study for Organizational Communication because there are opportunities to get hands on and real world experience.
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